We can’t stay far from our clients, we Serve life (Water)

COVID19 has been a challenge to many companies. Some are closed, others are still in survival mode. People lost their jobs and their incomes and as a result, they fail to afford some of the services they used to buy and in consequence more businesses close their services because their customers are not buying from them.
Similarly, It was not easy for water Access in Rwanda. Our financed clients for example were not able to meet their monthly payments. As a company that cares deeply for the wellbeing of our customers, we had to react in a way that hopefully resulted in both our customers and ourselves surviving the pandemic together.
We love our customers, we understand them. Beyond this, we want to see their safe access to water be something they can rely on. It is, in an attempt to keep their water running that we launched a few initiatives to take care of them.
First, we extended the deadline of paying their outstanding invoices until a time when their source of income will resume. For example.. we have a client who owns a bar, as per COVID19 regulations, all bars are closed. Till now he doesn’t have his income source restored. Therefore, We extend his payment to resume once the bar will be opened.
Secondly, during this pandemic, we gave away more than 275,000 Liters for free to help our customers in the prevention of spreading the corona Virus by washing hands and cleaning their homes.
Thirdly, in this pandemic, despite restrictions on travel, we tried to stay close to our clients and work hard to serve them as usual.

To stay close We increased our communication with clients through online channels to still get their feedback on how satisfied they are with our service created WhatsApp groups by considering the location of clients to ease the communication between them and us. If the clients faced a technical issue, they report it to the group and one of our technicians go there to handle it without taking a long time. We thank our technical team because they didn't stay at home, they kept working.
Lastly, we implemented several promotions here and there which saw us give away water, airtime and even a night out with their family. Even though it is not easy, we hoped to still be close to our customers and to offer them a reason to smile.
Here are some of my favorite messages from Our super clients :
Seth Havugimana from Rwintare said that" I am very grateful for how you didn't close your service; imagine how we would have survived without water!"
Nzamwita Celestin from Ishywa (Rusizi) said: “You helped and are still helping us during this pandemic. You put more effort to handle all issues related to water. We thank you so much. There is a proverb said "Izina niryo muntu" the name is the person. You are truly INUMA. “