Challenges in Water Access
The Poor Pay More
Modes of access reserved for the poor, rural residents are more expensive to maintain and often got broken.
Lost Time
Water points often required long walks due to their location and limited capacity to expand. African women lose 200 million hours a day walking for water
Limited Access
456 million Africans do not have access to safe water. 88.39% of all Rural Africans don’t have reliable water inside their house•
The average African consumes less than the recommended WHO minimum (50L per day),
Water Crisis
•An estimated $260 billion is lost globally each year due to lack of basic water and sanitation.
Lack of water traps families into a cycle of disease and poverty.
Our Solutions
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WASH Training
WARwanda organizes house-to-house trainings and school trainings to educate communities about Hygiene and Sanitation. We support communities to create WASH committees to manage water sources and help advance water access.
We use the LifeWater WASH curriculum. This is particular in that it encourages development on the water and sanitation ladder using biblical messages with a focus on reconciliation:
1. Between man and God
2. Between man and man
3. Between man and nature.
According to the research made by LifeWater international;
An estimated 88% of diarrheal deaths worldwide are due to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene.
Handwashing with soap could reduce the risk of diarrheal disease by 47% and save at least one million lives per year.
37% of the world’s population lives without improved sanitation (latrines). Improving sanitation facilities reduces the incidence of diarrheal by roughly 36%.
Our WASH trainings ensure WASH practices are improved and thus reducing all diseases caused by poor Water Access and Sanitation Hygiene. Meet the community and discuss what can be done to reduce such diseases is our methodology.
WARwanda staff are certified to provide mWASH trainings, beyond that, our team has the capacity and knowledge with more than 4 years of experience in developing; testing, promoting and teaching water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) solutions in the communities where we implemented wells.